Moiz Haider Sithawalla

Commercial Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution | Private Client Services
T: +65 6539 1652
LLB Hons (University of Nottingham)
Barrister-At-Law (Middle Temple)
MBA (National University of Singapore)
English, Malay and spoken Gujarati and Hindi
Moiz specializes in arbitration and commercial and civil litigation. Much of Moiz’s experiences deal with international corporate cliental and high net worth private clients. In addition to his specialized areas, he also advises on general company matters, corporate and individual insolvency, banking, defamation, landlord and tenancy, insurance, employment and family law.
Moiz is ardent about advocacy. He has led and participated in numerous advocacy training workshops in Singapore and overseas.
Professional Experience
- Ramo Industries Pte Ltd v DLE Solutions Pte Ltd [2020] SGHC 4 – Successfully acted for Ramo Industries Pte Ltd in a High Court case involving building and construction law as well as an appeal to the Court of Appeal therefrom
- Telecom Credit Inc v Midas United Group Ltd [2019] 1 SLR 131 – Acted for the appellant in a Court of Appeal case of seeking leave to appeal for a provisional garnishee order which was upheld after a trial
- Zoom Communications Ltd v Broadcast Solutions Pte Ltd [2014] 4 SLR 500 – Acted for Zoom Communications Ltd in a Court of Appeal case involving civil procedure and conflict of laws
- Metalform Asia Pte Ltd v Holland Leedon Pte Ltd [2009] 4 SLR(R) 83; Metalform Asia Pte Ltd v Holland Leedon Pte Ltd [2007] 2 SLR(R) 268– Acted for Metalform Asia Pte Ltd in two Court of Appeal cases involving winding up and injunctions
- International Financial Services (S) Pte Ltd and another v Old Mutual International Isle of Man Ltd Singapore Branch and another [2018] SGHC 127 – Successfully acted for the defendant in the High Court case involving a striking out of the plaintiff’s claim
- Acting for purchasers of a company in an international arbitration involving breach of warranties
- Successfully acting for an individual in an arbitration in respect of a claim for misrepresentation
- Successfully defending a client in a claim for goods sold and delivered [2016] SCHG 139
Appointments / Memberships
- Honourary Treasurer, Singapore Cricket Association 2010-2015 having represented Singapore at the International Cricket Council Annual Conferences and the Asia Cricket Council
- Council Member of The Law Society of Singapore
- Served for several years on the Membership and Rules Sub-Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club and the Tanglin Club
- Appointed Chairperson of the Review Committee and member of the Inquiry Panel pursuant to the Legal Profession Act